Yearly Archives: 2017

The adolescent matriarch

A mother holds the utmost importance in everyone's life. She is the nexus of the household, who binds and nurtures everyone under her care. Most...

وزيرستان ۾ ماڻهن جي دربدري ختم نٿي، محسود ٻيهر ڪئمپن ۾ منتقل

بنون: ڏکڻ وزيرستان ايجنسي جي 200 خاندانن جي پريشانين ۾ ان وقت واڌارو اچي ويو، جڏهن کين ٻيهر لڏپلاڻ ڪرڻي پئجي رهي آهي ته...

Pakistan banned rights advocacy INGOs under its new security policy

ISLAMABAD: Interior Ministry of Pakistan has started writing to a number of International Non-Government Oganizations to close their operations in Pakistan. The notices, rejecting their...

KP: Peshawar’s traffic warden system fails to deliver

Peshawar: Two years since its inception, Peshawar’s traffic wardens system sputters and stall as the city sinks into the construction chaos of Peshawar Bus...

As elders accept mediation-fee, tribesmen fear corruption of jirga  

North Waziristan Agency: They sit on bare ground in a wide circle – men dressed in white clothes. Elderly tribal chiefs, their heads are...

Christian women at the mercy of Christian Divorce Laws 1869 in Pakistan

Peshawar: 31-year-old Masih lives in a two-room house with his three wives and seven children. Apparently, he does not care much for Christianity or...

Sewerage water shatters Pakistan’s dream of eradicating Polio

KARACHI: Muhammad Ghani, a labourer from a remote village in Western Afghanistan moved to Pakistan in 2001 along with his family followed by the...

سوات ۾ ڪارنهن هيٺ قتلن ۾ واڌ، قانوني سازي جي گهر

سوات: پاڪستان جي اترواري علائقي سوات ضلعي اندر ڪارنهن جي الزام هيٺ قتل، خاندان جي منصوبه بندي ۽ ڳٺ جوڙ سبب اڳتي نه وڌي...

اتر وزيرستان ۾ امن جي اعلانن باوجود ڪرفيو جي سلسلي سبب عوام پريشان

اتر وزيرستان ايجنسي: اتر وزيرستان جي تعلقي دوسلي جي رهواسين ان وقت مشڪلاتن کي منهن ڏنو جڏهن اڻڄاتل هٿياربندن پاران ٽن فوجي جوانن جي...

Pakistan enters another grip of tamed religious right

A new Sunni-Brailvi political force emerged with alleged endorsement of military establishment ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s politics entered a new wave of religious-right with the emergence...

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