Sample Pitch


Reporter can use the system to make a pitch – by copy-pasting the pitch questions below into a new post and answering them:

1. In the Title field, above, give a three to five word name that is the essence of the story

2. Brief summary *

State the focus of your story in no more than three sentences.

3. Is this a new story, or a follow-up on already-reported news? *

If a follow-up, what’s new in the story?

4. What is larger context / big picture? *

Offer the relevant background for this idea.
5. Why would a common reader read this story? *
6. Who will be your sources of information? *
Please include name and title OR type of source you will pursue.

7. What five main questions will you be asking your sources? *

8. What supporting documents, statistics or data will you use in this story? *

9. What multimedia will you add to the story? *(audio, photo, video, graphics, other)


Editors can make comments within the body of this text, and also a general editorial comment, below. If the pitch is approved, they change story status to ASSIGNED.

When the reporter gets approval, they can then write the draft in the same post.. While working on it, the status should be set to IN PROGRESS When their draft is finished, they change the status to DRAFT.


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