Officials fear attempt to free jailed militants


PESHAWAR, Feb. 28,2014 (Sumeera Riaz / UPI Next) — Senior officials have told UPI Next concerns remain high there may be an attempt to bust out high-profile militants of banned terrorist outfits and Pakistan Tehrik-e-Taliban from Peshawar Central Prison in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, site of two other major jailbreaks.

The facility, one of four central prisons in the province, is sensitive both because it is less than a mile from key civil and military installations, and because its roughly 2,000 prisoners include more than 200 high-profile militants, among them Sufi Muhammad, a close relative of Mullah Fazlullah, leader of the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Taliban, or TTP, and Dr. Shakil Afridi, who helped the United States hunt down Osama bin Laden.

Zahirul Islam, deputy commissioner for the city of Peshawar, told UPI Next there are two very dangerous terrorist groups in the facility.

Read more  Pakistani officials fear attempt to free jailed militants –


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