ISLAMABAD, June 24,2013 (Naukhaiz Sahi / UPI Next) — Pakistan’s new government will put former military dictator Pervez Musharraf on trial for treason for suspending the constitution and imposing emergency rule in 2007, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced Monday.
“Musharraf has to answer for his actions. Those actions constitute a treason case against him,” Sharif, overthrown by Musharraf in 1999 in a bloodless military coup, told the National Assembly.
Attorney General Munir A. Malik told the Supreme Court on Monday that the government was consulting legal experts on initiating a treason case against the once supremely powerful ex-general.
The country’s top court has been hearing petitions from several lawyers since April 6 requesting that it order the government to initiate a treason case against Musharraf.
Under Pakistani law, only the government can initiate treason charges, legal expert Babar Sattar said
Read moreĀ Pakistan’s Prime Minister Sharif plans treason trial for Pervez Musharraf – UPI.com.