Delayed forensic evidence help criminals escape justice

: Photo By News Lens Pakistan / Shafiq Sharif
Forensic lab in Lahore : Photo By News Lens Pakistan / Shafiq Sharif

Lahore: Over the past 25 years, the forensic sciences have made dramatic scientific breakthroughs helping in speedy justice but in Pakistan Punjab Police’s investigators use delaying tactics in providing forensic reports to the court of law that benefit accused persons.

Director General (DG) of Punjab Forensic Science Agency (PFSA) Dr. Tahir Ashraf while talking to News Lens Pakistan said, “common people are not familiar with the importance of forensic evidence. PFSA since 2012 has solved over one hundred thousand cases and has helped law enforcement agencies in solving complex cases as well .Despite knowing the importance of forensic evidence, investigators of Lahore and Punjab Police Investigation Wing use delaying tactics in providing forensic reports to the court of law.”

DG PFSA Dr. Tahir Ashraf while talking to News Lens Pakistan admits, ” PFSA officials forward reports to concerned top cops of investigation wing but it’s the lower staff who actually receives them. On seeing the reports lower staff develop contacts with accused person’s relatives and delay presentation of forensic reports in court in order to benefit accused persons.”

In March 2015, Dr. Tahir Ashraf received notice from one court for not providing a report on time in a narcotics case. On checking the records, it was found that the report was forwarded 3 months ago to the authorities and cleared PFSA’s position in the honorable court. The Court on PFSA’s evidence when questioned the investigator about the delay, he confessed his negligence. Later court punished the investigator and also issued show cause notices to concerned officers of the police department.

Rana Ayyaz SSP Investigation Lahore Police while talking to News lens Pakistan said that investigators usually give reports directly to the court of law after receiving from PSFA authorities but in few cases investigators intentionally delay. Such kind of Investigators brings shame for the police department and their colleagues.

Ayyaz while mentioning a local fashion model, Tooba’s murder case to News Lens Pakistan added,”Investigating officer Javed used delaying tactics for an autopsy of the deceased. He was demoted to the rank of Assistant Sub Inspector once the issue came into his notice.” So such investigators are punished if the issue comes into knowledge of higher authorities, he added.

Advocate of Criminal Proceedings Sajjad Ahmed while talking to News Lens Pakistan held both police and forensic officials responsible for delaying forensic reports of cases saying” not only investigators delay in providing reports to the court of law but PFSA officials also take long time in report making of crime scenes. PFSA however doing a great job as their reports help the court of law in deciding the case.”

Judiciary system needs revolutionary changes for speedy justice. “Unfortunately present system helps criminals to escape from punishments and investigators take advantage of this weak system,” he added while talking to News Lens Pakistan.

Interior Minister Shuja Khanzada while talking to News Lens Pakistan on the same issue said,”Punjab government is doing its best to ensure smooth and fair investigations. It has also established an exemplary forensic lab in Punjab. Now it’s on the police department to make the best use of it.”


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