Marvel’s Muslim teenage girl superhero

U.S. comic-book publisher Marvel is introducing a new Ms. Marvel Feb. 5. The superhero’s alternate persona will be a Pakistani Muslim teenage girl. Image courtesy of Marvel.

LAHORE, Jan  22,2014 (Shehryar Warraich / UPI Next) — Some Pakistanis are embracing a new Marvel comic-book superhero modeled on a Pakistani Muslim teenage girl living in the United States as a chance to burnish Pakistan’s image in the West, while others express reservations.

The latest incarnation of “Ms. Marvel” — there were two earlier versions — is to hit store shelves Feb. 5. Marvel Entertainment, the creator of Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man and other fictional superheroes, announced in November it was introducing Ms. Marvel, whose secret identity is “Kamala Khan,” a 16-year-old daughter of Pakistani immigrants living in Jersey City, N.J., and dealing with life between two cultures.

Some Pakistanis told UPI Next, the introduction of Ms. Marvel presents a chance to improve the image of Pakistan, often maligned for widely reported brutal treatment of women, religious extremism and terrorist violence.

Read more Marvel’s Muslim teenage girl superhero spurs mixed Pakistani reactions –


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